What is MPU-JCB International Debit Card?

MPU-JCB Co-Brand Debit Card allows you to make withdrawals at MCB ATMs, other ATMs which accept MPU/JCB logo and ATMs which accept JCB logo in other countries. It can also be used in making payments via POS machine at local and international sales counters, E-commerce and online payments.

Special Benefits

What We can Do For You

Available Services

Cash Withdrawal
Balance Inquiry
Pin Change
Account Transfer
P.O.S Purchase
E-commerce Purchase

Access to ATMs worldwide.

  • Allow making maximum cash withdrawls of MMK 300,000 at a time, MMK 1,000,000 per day in total at any local ATMs displaying MPU-JCB Logo
  • Allow making withdrawls as at oversea ATMs daily limation at ATMs displaying JCB Logo
Basic documents required

Required Documents

Fees And Charges

Fee Description(MMK) Classic Card Platinum Card
Card Joining Fee
Lost/Replacement Fee
PIN Reset/Reissue Fee
Card Re-issue Fee
Annual Fee
5,000MMK (1st Year Waived)
Payment at POS Domestic and Oversea
No Charge
No Charge
Online Purchase
No Charge
No Charge
ATM Withdraw FEE(Domestic - Other Bank)
It may charge by other bank.
ATM Withdraw FEE (Cross-Border)
5,000 MMK + Oversea Bank Charges
5,000 MMK + Oversea Bank Charges
Balance Inquiry Fee at Oversea ATMs
500 MMK
500 MMK
Note: Cross currency mark-up fees will be applied for overseas transactions
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Product Features

To apply for a MCB MPU-JCB Co-Brand Platinum Debit Card, a customer need to open a Current Account with any MCB Branch by filling in the Application Form comply to account opening requirements

You can get the card immediately when you apply at MCB Branches.

You will inform to nearest MCB Bank during office hours or call MCB Help desk Number 01 2399663

If you remember your old PIN number (Password), you will go to nearest branches to do PIN reset or call MCB Help desk Number 01 2399663

You will go to nearest branches to request to reissue the new PIN (Password) or call MCB Help desk Number 01 2399663

MPU-JCB Co-Brand Platinum Debit Card have no interest because of linked to Current Account. However, you may also open a Savings Account and transfer your funds between Current Account and Savings Account to earn interest.

You may make fund transfer with MCB Mobile Banking App available for download from Google Play or Apple Store or go to any MCB branches
You can go to any MCB branch with your identification documents and MCB Debit card and withdraw over the counter.

You will get an SMS on your phone number registered with the bank

All MCB branches are available to open a current account and apply for the card. Please visit https://www.mcb.com.mm/way-to-bank/branches-map/# to see branches name and location

You can do balance inquiry with MCB Mobile Banking App available for download from Google Play or Apple Store or at any domestic and oversea ATM. At oversea ATM, balance inquiry fee – MMK 500 will charge.

The card will link with Current Account as default and Saving Accounts and Call Accounts are also available as secondary choice.
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